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Send us your feedback

Send us your video feedback and get our All About Articles course for FREE!

Watch other students' video feedback by clicking here.

Video feedback should be in your native language, between one and five minutes long, and should share your experience with others who have not studied English with Kris Amerikos or on
You don't need to spend a lot of time, making it or planning it. You can use your phone or camera to film it and you don't need to edit it.

Please remember to film it:

  1. Horizontally (especially if you are using a phone)
  2. In a quiеt place without a lot of background noise
  3. Without shaking, so that the video is stable and remains focused on you
  4. From the chest or shoulders up, so that your face is clearly visible and takes up the majority of the video image
  5. REMEMBER: record the feedback in your native language
  6. Do NOT read from a piece of paper or the screen

Here is what great video feedback should include:
  • First name and where you are from
  • Where or how you studied English before your lessons with Kris Amerikos
  • Why you decided to study with Kris Amerikos
  • What you have found positive or useful
  • How it has changed something for you
  • Your recommendation for those who have not studied with Kris Amerikos or

Thank you for taking the time to record and submit your video feedback!


VERY IMPORTANT: send your feedback video to us by email.


In English, please write:

1) your first name

2) the language you speak in the video feedback

3) where you are from.


Include this information in your message to us.


Please send it to [email protected]

Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate it!

The number one English program on the planet.

The number one English program on the planet.

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