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How to Improve English - Expand Your Skills and Knowledge

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How to Improve English

We can learn languages in many different ways.  Each route is different but the end result is the same - language fluency.  Every language is a combination of many different skills that we need to master.  There are vocabulary points and grammar rules as well as all of the language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening.  We can start anywhere and develop our language using methods that suit our personal learning styles.  


We can learn each and every different aspect of a language and exercise our skills separately, but they eventually come together to form our working knowledge of a language.  If we improve our grammar skills, we will improve our speaking and writing skills - and vice versa.  There is nothing we can learn about a language in isolation.  Everything we learn will leak into other areas of our understanding of a language.


It’s great that we can learn a language by learning everything all at once, but it also creates an overwhelming situation and begs the questions: where do I start?  And: how can I improve?


In this blog, we will show you some useful tips and step-by-step instructions you can use to improve your English skills, expand your vocabulary and develop your grammar skills.  You can start anywhere as long as you enjoy the process.  There are many different routes to choose from and each route will help you to speak English fluently.  


Why Is It Important to Improve Your English 

Everyone has different language goals but every language goal does require constantly improving your skills.  You would be mistaken if you thought that complex grammar structures are only for academic English or business English (and that they aren’t necessary for general English.)  While it’s true that the English that you need to communicate doesn’t need to be overly complicated, it’s important to note that native English speakers change between different tenses to express themselves clearly - even in everyday speech.

Communication is the first step to learning a language and you should be proud of yourself for being able to successfully communicate in English.  However, once you have mastered the basics of communication you must focus on improving your English.  It’s important to improve your English skills so that you can express yourself clearly, eliminate the language barrier entirely and ensure that your listener doesn’t need to do too much work to decode the meaning of what you’re saying.


Is It Hard to Improve the English Language 

Improving your English language skills will be a challenge.  It will take time, motivation and dedication but it is achievable.  Fortunately, the ways to improve your English skills don’t only revolve around memorizing vocabulary and drilling grammar rules night and day.  You are free to get more creative with your language-learning process.  Focus on the areas that interest you so that you can stay self-motivated to learn English.  


Step-by-Step Instructions for Improving English 

Learn how to improve your English efficiently and effectively with these step-by-step instructions.  Don’t waste time learning English in the wrong way.  You will make significant progress when you know how to learn English. 


Make Mistakes

The first step to improve your English is to accept that you will make mistakes.  There are times when people will laugh with you and, unfortunately, there may be times when people laugh at you. Don’t focus on the negativity.  The best thing you can do is take your mistakes in your stride and learn from them.  


The only way that we can learn is to make mistakes.  We might think we have a good working knowledge of a language until we try to produce the language.  Don’t take it for granted that your brain will successfully transfer your passive knowledge into active knowledge without a lot of practice.  You need to practice to improve and you can’t improve without a lot of trial and error.  If we spent our lives afraid of making mistakes then we would never learn to do anything.  


Learn Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary will give you the tools you need to use English and express yourself clearly.  


There are many ways to learn English vocabulary.  The most useful thing you can do to learn English vocabulary is to keep a book where you write down new words, phrases and idioms.  Revise these words as often as possible, create sentences with the new words and read to give yourself the chance to see how the new vocabulary is used.  You don’t need to learn lists and lists of words.  You can listen and read to discover new vocabulary, revise vocabulary you already know and improve your English skills.


Ditch The Grammar Rules

Grammar is important - there is no way to get around this fact.  However, learning grammar rules before you have a basic understanding of the language is a waste of time.  You need some background knowledge to apply the grammar rules to - and not vice versa.  Grammar is confusing and if you start learning a language by learning its grammar then you will likely struggle to communicate in the long run.   


Grammar-based language learning is a thing of the past.  There are other ways to improve your language skills.  Instead of formally learning grammar rules, spend time learning English in a natural and relaxed way.  Grammar becomes a lot easier to understand if you are exposed to the language first and the rules later.


Instead, Listen and Read As Much As Possible

Listening and reading are the best ways to learn new words and grammar structures.  Our brains are designed to decode and learn languages, so don’t underestimate the benefits of hearing and reading a language to learn it.  It might not happen as easily or as quickly as it did when you were young, but you can still successfully learn a language by exercising your receptive skills.



Read articles, blog posts and books on topics that you’re interested in and watch English movies and listen to podcasts you enjoy to improve your English speaking and reading skills enjoyably.  


Speak And Don’t Overlook Writing

Once you’re loaded with new vocabulary and you’ve read and listened to the English language, it is time to start practicing your productive English skills.  Make a mental note of using the new words and grammar that you have learnt by listening and reading so that you can try, make mistakes and try again.  

An English speaking partner will help you transfer passive knowledge into active knowledge.  They will also correct mistakes and help you speak like a native English speaker.


Writing is often overlooked, however, improving your English writing skills will improve your speaking skills.  Writing and speaking both require the English learner to produce language and improving one of these skills will naturally improve the other.  If you want to speak better English, then start writing too.


Record Yourself And Reread Your Writing

Next, record yourself and reread all of your writing so that you can correct your own errors.  You’ll be surprised by how well you can correct your own speaking and writing activities.  Allow the language to flow out of you when you write and speak and take time to review it later.  Don’t overthink the speaking and writing process when it happens.  Remember, it’s important to make mistakes.


Think In English

Spend time talking to yourself and thinking to yourself.  Experiment with new structures and train yourself to think in English to avoid constant translation.  The language will flow out of you a lot faster if you can think in English. 


Thinking in English will improve your English fluency.  Thinking of what you want to say can take up time when communicating in English.  Eliminate the delay in communication by practicing thinking in English.


Change Everything To English

Change the settings on your phone, laptop, tablet and every other piece of technology you’re familiar with into English.  You will be able to find your way around the device because you are familiar with it and you will also be able to learn the English words and sentences used in day-to-day life.  While most people want to perfect their language skills, it’s important to remember that the language we learn needs to be useful and not only complicated or impressive.  


Go Back To The Grammar Rules

It’s finally time to go back to the English grammar rules.  Now that you have equipped yourself with language and you’ve listened to and read English content, you will have the building blocks for understanding the grammar rules that you learn.  


Don’t Overload Yourself

Remember to rest and recharge while you’re working to improve your English skills.  There is a time to learn and a time to let the new vocabulary and rules set into your brain.  


If you’re struggling to understand a new concept in English, go to sleep and come back to it the next day.  Overloading yourself will lead to burnout.  Make sure that you’re learning English in manageable chunks.  If you want to keep learning without constant revision and studying, then watch English movies and listen to podcasts.  These are enjoyable activities that allow your brain time to passively learn the language instead of only learning it actively.  Learn to trust yourself and trust the process.


What is English Everyday

English-Everyday is an English course with live lessons for English learners who want to improve their English with native speakers, professional teachers, and students from around the world


You have live lessons where you can join every day. You can review all record lessons. There is a calendar of scheduled lessons so you can see when lessons are and at what time you can join.


In English Everyday program, you have support and also you have student chat where you can speak with other students from all around the world. You can look at our feedback page so that you can know from which countries our students are. Before you join our program, we strongly recommend you sign up for our free seminar with Kris Amerikos, where you can learn:


  • What goals you need to have to get better results 
  • How to become fluent in English very quickly
  • What you need to do to have perfect pronunciation
  • The 3 biggest mistakes you need to avoid
  • Which free resources will help you learn English
  • The best resource to use to improve your speaking



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Online English Classes

  • SPEAK LIVE face-to-face with a native teacher every day.
  • Master pronunciation by regular speaking practice with partners.
  • Topics that will help you in real life.
  • Speak and BE UNDERSTOOD by people around the world.
  • BONUS: 24/7 live room
  • BONUS: 24/7 group chat (like WhatsApp)
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  • SUPER BONUS: Challenges and community
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Level Up Mastermind

How To Think In English

 Two Mastermind Calls Per Week: We run two learning calls per week that are approximately 1 hour each.

 Spotlight Seat Calls: The spotlight seats are where you can bring any problem, question, presentation, email, or other problem to the table and we'll help you solve it.

✅ Theory Calls: The theory calls are where we go in depth about everything related to how to think to improve your English and we break it down into the details of how things work, why they work, and how you can use it yourself by giving you a deeper understanding.

✅  Level Up Slack: This is the soul of Level Up. We have a private workspace where you can get help with anything in between the calls and also connect with everyone else.

✅ Level Up Community: A private wall for posts and a private group chat for Level Up members only.

✅ Everything inside English-Everyday: daily live speaking lessons, 24/7 live room, group chat.

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Individual, Private Lessons

Personalized Focus on Your English Needs

  • Each lesson is 60 minutes long.
  • Individual communication
  • Personal feedback and error correction
  • Work on presentation, emails, work projects, or personal goals.
  • More practice, faster results
  • Every lesson is focused on your specific needs.
  • Choose the best date and time for you.
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English courses that get results.

Individual courses, group courses, professional courses, intensive courses, and more.



Online English Classes

  • SPEAK LIVE face-to-face with a native teacher every day.
  • Master pronunciation by regular speaking practice with partners.
  • Topics that will help you in real life.
  • Speak and BE UNDERSTOOD by people around the world.
  • BONUS: 24/7 live room
  • BONUS: 24/7 group chat (like WhatsApp)
  • BONUS: 24/7 news feed (like Facebook)
  • SUPER BONUS: Challenges and community
Learn more about English-Everyday


Level Up Mastermind

How To Think In English

 Two Mastermind Calls Per Week: We run two learning calls per week that are approximately 1 hour each.

 Spotlight Seat Calls: The spotlight seats are where you can bring any problem, question, presentation, email, or other problem to the table and we'll help you solve it.

✅ Theory Calls: The theory calls are where we go in depth about everything related to how to think to improve your English and we break it down into the details of how things work, why they work, and how you can use it yourself by giving you a deeper understanding.

✅  Level Up Slack: This is the soul of Level Up. We have a private workspace where you can get help with anything in between the calls and also connect with everyone else.

✅ Level Up Community: A private wall for posts and a private group chat for Level Up members only.

✅ Everything inside English-Everyday: daily live speaking lessons, 24/7 live room, group chat.

Learn more about Level Up

Individual, Private Lessons

Personalized Focus on Your English Needs

  • Each lesson is 60 minutes long.
  • Individual communication
  • Personal feedback and error correction
  • Work on presentation, emails, work projects, or personal goals.
  • More practice, faster results
  • Every lesson is focused on your specific needs.
  • Choose the best date and time for you.
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